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Spelt cake and spring vegetables


  • 1 roll of round brisé paste
  • 5 tablespoons of boiled spelt
  • 500 gr of green asparagus
  • 400 gr of chards
  • 2 fresh spring onions
  • 150 gr shelled broad beans
  • 150 gr frozen peas
  • 250 gr of ricotta
  • 50 gr of grated goat cheese
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Salt and pepper
Spelt cake and spring vegetables


  • Preparation time: 45 minutes
  • Cooking time for vegetables 20 minutes
  • Cooking time for the savory cake 1 hour
  • Delicate freezing time 3 hours and 30 minutes (about 5cm thick)


  • Spelt cake and spring vegetables
  • Spelt cake and spring vegetables


  • Easy


Clean the chard, cut into strips and sauté in a pan with a little oil, salt and pepper. Pour them into a stainless steel backing tray and cool them quickly in the blast chiller pre-cooled with the function of blast chilling for about 20 minutes. lean the asparagus by removing the most leathery part of the stem (about 5-6 cm), cut into rounds and sauté in a pan with a little oil, salt and pepper. Put them in the  blast chiller to cool with the chard. 

Cook in a pan with a drizzle of oil also the peas and broad beans together with the onions thinly cut, salt and pepper and cool all in the blast chiller together with the other vegetables. Mix the ricotta cheese with the grated goat cheese in a bowl and then add the boiled spelt and cooked vegetables. Season with salt and pepper if necessary.

Cover a cake tin of about 20 cm in diameter with baking paper, place the roll of brisé dough on top and fill the cake with the mixture of ricotta cheese and vegetables.  Cook in the preheated oven at 200ºC for 45 minutes, then continue cooking by covering the cake with aluminum foil for another 15 minutes at 180°C.


You can cool the cake with the function of blast chilling, portioning it into slices and then deep-freeze them with the function of delicate freezing, so you can store them in the freezer for up to 6 months.

If necessary, remove the necessary quantity of slices from the freezer and regenerate them in the preheated oven to 180ºC for 10-15 minutes.