Fresh, colorful vegetables for 7 days in your fridge? With Fresco® it is now possible, you will find them as freshly made for up to seven days!
Vuoi stupire tutti a Natale con una ricetta stellata? Proviamo a realizzarla con Fresco®!
Avere Fresco® Classic in casa, ti evolve anche nella realizzazione dei dessert! Te lo spiega Giancarlo Perbellini, Chef 2 Stelle Michelin.
Discover how you can blast chill your cakes with Freddy. You can store them fresh for 20 day in your fridge!
Want to keep in the freezer a year-long supply of fresh sage, rosemary and mint? Thanks to Freddy, the aroma of basil is no longer just a memory of the summer
Yogurt fatto in casa con soli due ingredienti? Scopri come preparalo con Fresco® Élite, grazie a Stefano Cavada!
The blast chiller can be considered a design object that is perfectly contextualized in contemporary living environments.
Paola Trifirò talks about how to be open mind towards the future even in the kitchen, with the blast chiller!
With Zero you can vacuum seal food inside the usual bags and in bigger containers or glass jars.
In few seconds, your grana is ready to be stored in the refrigerator for 6 months!
Stefano Cavada ti spiega come conservare perfettamente gli alimenti fino a 7 giorni in frigorifero, anzichè 2! Scopri la tecnologia di Fresco® Élite e la sua funzione di raffreddamento rapido.
With Freddy you can easily make flat bread, pizza and any proofed product at home.
Vacuum sealed food can be stored in the refrigerator for 4-5 days, instead of the usual 2!
Fresco® Élite: la magia del freddo rapido unita alla tecnologia del caldo lento. Stefano Cavada ti presenta la funzione Cottura a bassa temperatura, per ottenere delle costine dalla consistenza morbida e dai sapori esaltati.
Tender meat in just a few minutes, ready for storage in the refrigerator for 10 days!