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Bavarian with yogurt and peaches


  • 500 gr of white yogurt
  • 500 ml of fresh cream
  • 100 ml of milk
  • 4 sheets of isinglass
  • 80 gr powdered sugar
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar
  • 8 peaches
  • 1 lemon
Bavarian with yogurt and peaches


  • Time: average


  • Bavarian with yogurt and peaches


  • Easy


Mix the yogurt with icing sugar and, apart, whip the cream. In a small saucepan heat some milk, melt the drained and squeezed fish glue and add everything to the yogurt. Mix well and add the whipped cream gently being careful not to disassemble the mixture.

Pour all in a doughnut mould with the hole in the center or in convenient silicone muffin monoportions and freeze in Fresco® with the freezing function. Peel 6 peaches, blend with a spoonful of sugar until you get a cream, add a few drops of lemon and store in the refrigerator. 

Blanch the two remaining peaches for 2-3 minutes in boiling water, peel and cut into wedges or cubes, then store in the refrigerator. When the Bavarian is ready, take it out of the mould, decorate with the wedges and the peach sauce and serve after 10-15 minutes.


With Fresco®’s freezing function, you can store it in the freezer for up to 6 months. If necessary, all you have to do is remove from the freezer the number of portions you want 15-20 minutes before consuming them.