Blend the biscuits in a mixer with honey, lime zest and 80 gr of melted butter. Then spread everything on a 26 cm diameter cake tin covered with oven paper, press the mixture to become smooth and homogeneous and cool quickly in the Freddy for about thirty minutes.
Dip the isinglass in cold water. Meanwhile, put 50 gr of butter on the heat, melt them, add the juice of 2 lime and 100 gr of cream and boil until the mixture is congealed. Then cool everything in Freddy with the function of blast chilling for about twenty minutes.
Squeeze the isinglass, dissolve in 20 g of cream, add everything to the cooled mixture, add the ricotta, philadelphia, chopped fresh mint, rum and sugar. Mix well and pour the mixture on the basis of biscuits. Let everything solidify well in Freddy with the function of blast chilling for an hour.