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Black venus rice with tuna tartare and pistacchio grains

Ingredients for 4 people

  • 700 g of black venus rice
  • 4 courgettes
  • 1 long eggplant
  • 1 yellow pepper
  • 1 red pepper
  • 2 fresh onions
  • 3 carrots
  • 300 g of frozen or fresh peas
  • 250 g of blast chilled tuna
  • 50 g of peeled pistachios
  • 1 orange
  • Fresh mint
  • Extra - virgin olive oil
Black venus rice with tuna tartare and pistacchio grains


  • Preparation time 45 minutes
  • Time of vegetables cooking 40 minutes
  • Rice cooking time 55 minutes
  • Time of blast chilling rice 20 minutes (laid on an inox baking tray, about 1,5 cm thick)
  • Time of rapid freezing rice 30 minutes (laid on an inox baking tray, about 1,5 cm thick)


  • Black venus rice with tuna tartare and pistacchio grains
  • Black venus rice with tuna tartare and pistacchio grains


  • Easy


Boil salted water in a pan and cook the Venus rice. Cut all vegetables into cubes.  Heat a little oil in a large pan and brown the onion and carrots; after 10 minutes add the peppers and after another 10 minutes add the courgettes and peas. Salt and pepper.
Cook the eggplant cubes in the oven to 180ºC for 20-25 minutes, wetting with a drizzle of oil and lightly salting. Join all vegetables in an inox baking tray inox, mix well and cool quickly in Freddy with the blast chilling function for about 15 minutes.
Cut the tuna into cubes to obtain a tartare, season with salt, pepper, oil, grated orange peel and some chopped mint leaves and store in the refrigerator.
Drain the Venus rice, cool it quickly in Freddy with the abatement function for about 15 minutes so as to cool it, then mix it with the vegetables and serve it with over the cold tuna tartare and the chopped pistachios coarsely with the knife.


You can quickly cool the Venus rice, after seasoning it with vegetables with the function of chilling Freddy. This way you can keep the dish in the refrigerator for a whole week, fresh as just done.
You can also decide to freeze boiled rice, using the shock freezing function, and then store it in the freezer for up to 8 months. In this way you will always have cooked Venus rice, ready to be prepared in a few minutes with the dressing you prefer. All you have to do is pour the desired amount into the pan, add 1 glass of water and regenerate over medium heat for about 6-7 minutes.
If you have not found the tuna already felled, you can use Freddy’s shock freezing feature to sanitize it and be sure to eat the tartare in complete safety. You can decide to cut the tuna into cubes or leave the whole slice, freeze it and store it in the freezer for at least 24 hours. You can prepare a large amount of tartare so you can always have it available, even for lunch or last minute dinners. Raw fish can be stored in the freezer for a maximum of 3-4 months.