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Wholegrain penne with vegetables with padano grain in flakes


  • 320 gr of wholegrain penne
  • 150 gr of frozen peas
  • 1 eggplant
  • 2 courgettes
  • 1 carrot
  • Basil
  • 60 gr of parmesan cheese
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Salt and pepper
Wholegrain penne with vegetables with padano grain in flakes


  • Time: average


  • Wholegrain penne with vegetables with padano grain in flakes
  • Wholegrain penne with vegetables with padano grain in flakes


  • Easy


Wash the vegetables well, peel the carrots and cut carrots, eggplants and courgettes into cubes. Heat a little olive oil in a pan and cook the vegetables: pour the carrots first, after 5 minutes the eggplants, after another 5 minutes the peas and finally the courgettes. If necessary add a little water during cooking. Salt, pepper and flavour with some fresh basil leaves.

Then put the vegetables to cool in the Freddy with the function of blast chilling for about twenty minutes and, in the meantime, cook the pasta in abundant salted water. Drain the pasta al dente and sauté 2 minutes in a pan with the vegetables (if necessary add some cooking water to keep it soft).

Serve the pasta with plenty of flaked parmesan cheese on top and a drizzle of raw oil.


Store vegetables, pasta and parmesan cheese separately in the freezer from 6 to 8 months. Thanks to the shock freezing function of Freddy you can use all the ingredients whenever you want, even separately.